Ready for Ferragosto!

Close to what I’ll be doing!

From my first Ferragosto invitation:

What is Ferragosto, you ask?  Ferragosto is an Italian holiday celebrated on August 15.  Originally, it was related to a celebration of the middle of the summer and the end of hard labor in the fields.  In later times, the Roman Catholics adopted this date as the Holy Day of Obligation to commemorate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Before the Catholics, however, this holiday was celebrated in the Roman Empire to honor the gods – in particular Diana – and the cycle of fertility and ripening.  And that’s where it gets its name – “Feriae Augusti” = Festival of Augustus. 

In present days, Ferragosto is mainly a short holiday when Italians take brief vacations.  The holiday often coincides with the Perseid meteor showers which must be viewed in the pre-dawn hours.  

I am not Italian, going to Italy, or wanting to celebrate my fertility and ripeness!  But I do want to have a “holiday” time with friends and family! 

Monday night I am heading out for my 3rd annual Ferragosto vacation.  My suitcase is filled with sweats and swimming suits.  One decent outfit in case I want to be seen in public.  And cute pajamas.

Groceries include Italian wine and moscato, cheeses and crackers, fruit and cookies and bread.  Italian grapefruit soda and salami.  Others will bring tomatoes, peppers and salad.  We’ll see if we get around to grilling chicken or if it will just be tomatoes and zucchini and peaches on the grill.  🙂

Also packing magazines, books, and movies (Italian and non-Italian chick-flicks); the iPad is loaded with Italian music and my favorite Italian movie. The sunscreen and nail polish will be tossed in for discretionary use.

Looking forward to being at the end of the dock, hanging with beautiful friends and family, and being lazy on the water.  Good talks, good food and drinks, good times…

Come and join!

Maybe you’ll want to join me next year – put it on your calendars!  August 14-19, 2013!  I already put in for vacation!

Wherever you are, have a Buon Ferragosto!

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