Gratitude 11 and 12

I knew I wouldn’t be consistent! But here I am .. catching up.

Yesterday was another hot day and we strolled after dark, because it’s dark so early! Hot October days are little gifts. I know they won’t last, so I’m grateful for days with nice weather. 85 in October feels different than 85 in July, after all.

And today… I’m grateful for music. I listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks, but Chris listens to different music each night before bed. It’s fun to learn about the bands he loves. We also have been watching Beat Shazam, a game show where you have to quickly identify songs. It’s fun. Lots of genres I’m bad at, but it is fun when you know!

“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.”

Maya Angelou

More to come!

Gratitude 10

Today I turned 55 and celebrated 9 years of marriage. Ah. It was a great day. I’m grateful for the heat, for the walk in the morning, and for the small gathering of friends and family at our favorite taco place. I’m grateful Griffin knows my name and wanted to give me a birthday hug today.

I’m looking forward to some autumn adventures and was able to do some research today for that trip. Ah.