Urban Dictionary: reading slump

a readers worst nightmare.

not being able to pick up a book and read because you just can’t, you just can’t read.

person 1: “what’s the matter with you?”

person 1: uhm….. okay.

Source: Urban Dictionary: reading slump

According to Goodreads, I am “currently reading” 6 books, and that doesn’t include the one I am actually listening to and the one I picked up last night, in the hopes to get out of this slump.  Uff.  I’m a one-at-a-time girl, so having 8 books in the air is not like me.  On Goodreads you can create folders and a while ago I created a “did not finish – taking too long” (DNF in the book blog world).  I’ll have to do some updating, I guess, but really these are all books that I do want to finish.  So I’ll leave them in my Currently Reading folder and hope to get in the mood to read them soon!

So I’ve implemented a few action steps to hopefully jumpstart my reading again.

  • I picked up Maeve Binchy.  A book of a collection of her short stories was published after her death.  They are previously published stories, in magazines, other compilations, etc., and now they’re all together in a book called “A Few of the Girls.”  Reading Maeve is like talking to an old friend.  I think she’ll keep me reading a bit.
  • I started listening to “The Girl on the Train.” I’ve heard good things about it and am finding it compelling to listen to.  It’s a little hard to follow the audio, as I remember things differently when I listen vs read with my eyes, but I think I’ve gotten past the confusing part and am excited to listen to more.
  • I went to Books on Tap at Forager Brewery last night.  It’s been on my calendar since it began but last night was the first night the stars aligned so I could go. The group is informal and flexible and different every meeting, I think.  All you need to do is talk about what you’re reading right now, books you love, books you hate, anything related to books.  The moderator from the library kept a running list of every book that was mentioned and will email it out to all.  I can talk about books, even if I’m not reading anything currently, and I got some sympathy from the avid readers for the feeling of being in a slump.  I didn’t want to go alone, so Jenny was going to meet me there, but she was late and it was ok.  I could go alone next time if I had to.  Of course, the best part was rehashing books and life and having a little supper afterwards with Jenny, but I could go alone if I had to.  Book people are book people!
  • And yesterday I signed up to do a book blog about a book by Patricia Sands.  I read and reviewed “The Promise of Provence” a few years ago and another of her books is being released on May 17 (“I Promise you This”).  It’s the 3rd in a trilogy, so I guess I better read the second one quick!  See!  There’s incentive and desire to read!

Have you ever had a reading slump?  What did you do about it?
