Gratitude 11 and 12

I knew I wouldn’t be consistent! But here I am .. catching up.

Yesterday was another hot day and we strolled after dark, because it’s dark so early! Hot October days are little gifts. I know they won’t last, so I’m grateful for days with nice weather. 85 in October feels different than 85 in July, after all.

And today… I’m grateful for music. I listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks, but Chris listens to different music each night before bed. It’s fun to learn about the bands he loves. We also have been watching Beat Shazam, a game show where you have to quickly identify songs. It’s fun. Lots of genres I’m bad at, but it is fun when you know!

“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.”

Maya Angelou

More to come!

Gratitude 10

Today I turned 55 and celebrated 9 years of marriage. Ah. It was a great day. I’m grateful for the heat, for the walk in the morning, and for the small gathering of friends and family at our favorite taco place. I’m grateful Griffin knows my name and wanted to give me a birthday hug today.

I’m looking forward to some autumn adventures and was able to do some research today for that trip. Ah.

Gratitude 9

This guy. Days like these.

Tomorrow is our 9th anniversary…

Today we drove. We took twistie roads, ate lunch at a cute cafe and browsed Johnny Appleseed days. We watched pelicans and pointed out colorful trees. We found the end of MN Hwy 55 and drove some of the WI Great River Road.

We never run out of things to talk about: deep and reflective or silly and unimportant. We listen to music and create playlists. We talk about future goals and plans.

Looking forward to celebrating 9 years with many more to come!

A wine tasting with a view

Gratitude 5

Today my employer showed its appreciation for employees. As a team we were able to go get lunch from the food tent, but first we took advantage of the photo booth and registered for door prizes. It was a busy day, but we were able to get away for 30 minutes, listen to live music, and listen to trivia questions. Lunch was delicious and everyone was gracious.

I’m grateful for the team I work with. I’m grateful for my tenure in the job and the culture that I get to influence in some way.

Tomorrow I’ll snap a pic of our photo booth strip and add that. It’s a keeper!

Gratitude 4

Books! Book Club! Books, books, books! Today I’m grateful for books and for book club!

We met tonight for book club and discussed “Maisie Dobbs” over burgers. I finished the book at the last minute, after listening to the audiobook from the library.. Ah. I love finishing a book.

Our book club always discusses the book, even if we skip the hard questions. We have a good track record of all of us actually reading most of the book before meeting, too! We laugh a lot and eat well and catch up on what life has happened between the times we see each other. Our time together is always more than two hours, sometimes up to four! We have been meeting and discussing books for almost 20 years!

I love book club.

I also love this time between books. Savoring what was just finished and anticipating what book will come next. I have an abundance of books to choose from, with a full Kindle, a towering stack on my bedside table, and one overflowing shelf of TBRs (To Be Reads).

Ah, books. ❤️

❤️ August Book Club ❤️

Gratitude 3

Tonight I’m grateful for friends who bring the merch. Kristine and Mike started a supper club tour in July and we have been able to join on three of their adventures so far! Wiederholt’s outside Hastings, Sullivan’s outside Trempeleau, and tonight, Ettlin’s Ranchero in Webster.

Every night at a Supper Club is special. Onion rings, a relish tray, old fashioneds and ice cream drinks elevate any night. Tonight was extra-special because, *merch*, but also because it is Kristine’s birthday! For one week we are the same age and then I turn a year older.

I’m grateful for Kristine’s friendship, her fun-loving spirit, and her creativity! I love a theme and this is a fun one – and now we have the T-shirts!

Supper Club Tour

100 Days of Gratitude

On 9/22/2023 there are 100 days left in 2023 and I was trying to think of something to do for 100 days and Marissa said maybe we should do a gratitude challenge… so here I go! Maybe I’ll blog every day; maybe I won’t, but maybe I will! I am not great at consistency, so this will be a challenge.

Today, this morning, I am grateful for so much but I’ll highlight this photo received last night. August’s first night of piano lessons; hopefully the first of many. He’s got a math brain, so I imagine he could eat this up. I hope so! I just love this so much.

Day one of piano lessons

Day one of gratitude logged!