This Dystopian Life

dys·to·pi·a [dis-toh-pee-uh]


a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression,disease, and overcrowding.
Ok. There’s nothing about my life that is Dystopian, absolutely nothing. Except that I have a little misery in my knee, which I finally went to the doctor for on Tuesday and found out – guess what? – that I’ve got a little arthritis and osteopenia!  Yes, my knees, especially my right knee, is feeling old and frail.  Ugh.  So I will start a strict regimen of calcium and Vitamin D. I’ve never been a milk lover and used to force myself to drink some, but the last few years it has bothered my tummy so I stopped drinking it altogether. Even ice cream doesn’t appeal anymore, which isn’t a bad thing, although I will indulge sometimes and know I’ll pay later.  Has to be well worth it. No simple vanilla for me.   🙂
Chocolate ice cream

Chocolate ice cream (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As I stated in my last post, I went to see The Hunger Games in the theatre on Friday night. There’s nothing like a sold out theatre on opening day or in its early days.  I tend to go to the more independent movies, so I have been the only person or with a small handful of people at a showing many times, so going and sitting shoulder to shoulder with people excited to be there is another experience altogether.  There were a lot of teens at this movie, as expected, and the boys behind us felt like talking through most of the movie, which was unfortunate.  A little loss of manners. Or maybe they didn’t have them?

Cover of "The Hunger Games"

Cover of The Hunger Games

I thought the movie was pretty good.  Dystopia isn’t my favorite genre of book or film. And there were a lot of things I didn’t understand fully, so I had my daughter and niece explain them to me. And now I’m reading the first book and its interesting.  I’ll keep you posted on my thoughts…
A map of the fictional nation of Panem from Su...

A map of the fictional nation of Panem from Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games." (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I finished reading “Still Alice” for book club and we discussed it for a few minutes.  I truly lost sleep one night after reading before sleep, so I didn’t do that again. It is a painful story about early onset Alzheimer’s Disease.  Sad.  I guess I’ll have to look at the author’s other books because they were recommended.
My TBR pile just doesn’t go down… and I almost ran to the library today to pick up a light easy read, but I used self-control and focused on The Hunger Games.  We’ll see how long that lasts.
Another day off tomorrow… there is just something indulgent about being off during the week. So far I haven’t minded the weekend work… we’ll see if it gets old.  I will watch a little Letterman tonight – haven’t watched him in ages – because the cast of “once” from Broadway will be on there.  Good stuff!
Well, off to read!

Pop Culture Tidbits

Where have I been?  Working and learning and learning and sleeping!  It’s so fun and tiring and wonderful and exhausting.  Ah.

Cover of "Still Alice"

Cover of Still Alice

I honestly haven’t done much else, including reading or movies or TV watching but I’m feeling like I’m getting my brain back a little.  For example, I have almost finished my book club book for Tuesday night (“Still Alice” by Lisa Genova), I’m watching the season premiere of Mad Men we speak, I saw the Hunger Games on opening night, and I’m keeping up with my blog reading (after some culling) and trying not to wait a week between Words with Friends moves.  The important stuff, right?  I also celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with good friends, celebrated family birthdays, and watched some Derby Dames.

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I haven’t been blogging lately as it’s been hard to find time to put together coherent thoughts. And I haven’t been reading books or seeing many movies, and I don’t think people are really interested in reading about my new work environment or how much I have yet to learn.

Mad Men

Mad Men (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I do like blogging so I will find more time, especially now that my training on the floors is done and I’m on the crazy Emergency Department schedule (I love twelve hour days with days off!) I think it’ll happen.

Typical scene at a local emergency room

Typical scene at a local emergency room (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For example, Friday was a day off and I was so excited to read on facebook about a play that was being performed that day at noon at the library!  I went down there and was amazed at the intentions of the play and will tell others about it so they can experience the same.  It should be seen by many with much discussion to follow.  Just incredible writing and acting.

christmas candles on the morning table

christmas candles on the morning table (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Marissa and I went to see “Wanderlust” during her spring break and another of my days off during the week and that was very fun. I just love Paul Rudd.

Paul Rudd at Hollywood Life Magazine’s 7th Ann...

Paul Rudd at Hollywood Life Magazine’s 7th Annual Breakthrough Awards (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So all is well here. Hopefully I’ll make time to write – and have interesting things to say!

But now, I must be off to bed!  Worked 12 hours today and again tomorrow… then book club / supper with book club Tuesday night!  Yay!

Off to read!

What have I been doing??

Cover of "Mildred Pierce (Keepcase)"

Cover of Mildred Pierce (Keepcase)

A Moveable Feast

I checked into Goodreads tonight and was dismayed to see that I am 9 books BEHIND in reaching my book reading goal of 75 books in 2012!  Yikes.  I know that it’s still early in the year and that reading goals can be amended, but I wonder what I have been doing lately!

I guess the big answer is: I’ve been busy!  🙂  I started working on January 30 and have now finished five weeks of training with one more to go!  The training has been great and I’m learning so much, that it’s almost all I can focus on.  My evenings have been full, as well, but I am still keeping up with the blogs I follow (although I culled a few) and mostly keeping up with twitter and facebook. I listen to podcasts in the morning and  I participated in a readalong with Wallace at  I can’t believe that “A Moveable Feast” is the only book I read in February!

Well, I guess I also listened to an audiobook – Mildred Pierce – and I’m now watching the HBO mini-series that is based on the book.  Kate Winslet was a big winner last year for her performance in the miniseries.  It was an interesting book and the miniseries is pretty good.  Two more episodes to watch.

But things are changing. After this week of working 8-5, my crazy all-over-the-place Emergency Department schedule begins. I work next weekend and will work many 12-hour shifts, which means fewer actual days worked.  The pile of books – 10 high – is still waiting for me to delve into and I can’t wait.

Our next book club book is “Still Alice,” so I have to get my hands on that and hopefully read it before the end of March!  I know I can do it and can’t wait to read it and see my book club friends soon!

I hope that you are reading everything that you want to be reading and enjoying every minute!

Off to read – Oprah magazine!  🙂