
We (@netty1001 and @realbigtweezy) still have the same cars and the same jobs but otherwise it has been an eventful year with big changes!  Here are a few highlights of the year …

#NewEnglandBlizzard – Chris’s granny, Eva Walsh, passed away in February of this year and we travelled to Newton Centre, MA for her funeral. There was a blizzard in progress, so our flight from Philadelphia to Manchester, NH was cancelled and we rented a car and drove the rest of the way. What should have been an almost 6 hour drive took us about 10. We arrived safely and in time for the celebration of Granny’s long life. I only got to meet her once, during our birthdayversary road trip last October, but it was fun to be with family and hear stories of her life.  The cemetery where she is buried was incredible – so much history out there in New England. I also experienced Candlepin bowling for the first time with Chris’s family – that was a fun night – and we got to meet Chris’s first grand-niece, Aurora!!

#BrandLoyal – Chris and I both celebrated 5 years of employment at our respective employers in 2017!  Chris started at Land O’Lakes in October 2012 and I started at Mayo in January 2012. I completed a 40 hour group supervision training for social workers so I can now lead small groups of social workers towards clinical licensure and may try my hand at that in 2018. Chris continues to be one of four people who dry the cheese powder for Cheetos!

#MermaidInLove and #CincoDeWedding – Marissa and Adam were married in Cancun on Cinco de Mayo! There were three showers, some great parties, and about 30 mother-of- the-bride dresses tried on prior to getting to Mexico.  The bachelorette party was an all-day multigenerational affair with a mermaid theme!  What a blast.  Before we walked down the “aisle” to the beach, Marissa and Icried and she said this was the wedding of her dreams. She was a beautiful bride and it was fun to be with everyone in Mexico for one week. Lots of time to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Mom and Dad even went parasailing!

#TeamGrandpaDanTough – Right before we went to Mexico my dad was diagnosed with laryngeal small cell carcinoma. He began treatments the day after we returned from Mexico (all the more reason why it was meaningful to be together down there), and it was a grueling course of 7 rounds of chemotherapy and 35 daily doses of radiation to his throat. In September his PET scan was all clear and he is getting stronger and is back out in the woods hunting this autumn. So glad to have them in Rochester!

#OnlyInMinnesota – We have enjoyed the many things life in Minnesota has to offer. We enjoyed outdoor festivals and outdoor music, my 30th class reunion was in July, we hosted and attended outdoor campfires, we spent time at our cabin at the Lake (which we now are part-owners of!), we went to the Great Minnesota Get-Together (State Fair) twice and I went to a Minnesota Twins game. Chris is ready for the Minnesota winter with his supreme snow blower and we have been enjoying watching the Minnesota Vikings play football and all the hype that is leading up the the Super Bowl being held in Minneapolis in early 2018.

#Birthdayversary2017 – For our 3rd anniversary, we took a train to Chicago for a few days with the main event seeing “Hamilton.” It is as amazing as everyone says it is, truly. We also ate good food, walked a lot, and went on a double decker bus tour. The weather was beautiful  After Chicago we spent a few days at the Dells celebrating August’s birthday with family, and spent one night in a lovely hotel in LaCrosse.  Chris thinks train travel is the way to go!

#49isDivine – 2018 means a big birthday is coming up for me, so I will be finding cause for lots of celebration leading up to it!  Marissa has a big birthday coming up as well, turning 30 in February. In 2017 Tyler turned 25, Sierra turned 21, and Kevin turned 19.  We have been enjoying time with the grandchildren; Kaydee just turned 6 in December, Emma will be 3 in January, and August turned 2 in September. Lots of chitter-chatter and laughter with them! Also lots of quality time with the nieces and nephews, much of it courtside.

#2SellOrNot2Sell – Last winter into spring we started thinking about whether we should remodel the townhouse or look for our “forever house.”  We really wanted a gas stove, which is what started all of the looking.  We spent many weekends going to open houses, wandering around tile and kitchen stores, and talking with realtors and contractors.  We wrote lists and dreamed big dreams.  Ultimately, we found and bought a new home, moving in right before Chris’s birthday in June, so it’s time to update your address books! Message me for the new address!    We gained no square footage but we now have a one level home with a big garage, a little shed, and a huge driveway (the reason Chris needed a supreme snow blower!).

I knew I missed having a sunny spot to sit outside and read, but I didn’t know how much I would LOVE having a fireplace!  We didn’t sell the townhouse, so Chris is now a landlord – so far so good.  We love our new house and it’s fun to get back to hosting again! We hosted Thanksgiving here (22 people!) as well as book club, Cosmo Girls, a housewarming / birthday party, a catch-up night with the girls, marshmallow roasting sessions over the new firepit, and hopefully we will be hosting you sometime soon!  Just call and let us know when you’re coming!

#MerryandBright – We hope that your Christmas season is filled with all things good and wonderful – family, friends, peace and love. Merry Christmas to you and a very happy 2018!

After the funeral at Granny’s home – Chris’s sister, Jen, and dad, Rob and his friend Carol.

Candlepin bowling in NH

Smiles and squishes

US Wedding

Mermaid party!

Park fun!

Last night in Mexico

Just a few ER visits

Graduation #2 for this Grimsrud clan

Graduation #4 for the Turner clan!

Moving fun!

His birthday matches the highway!

He never stopped smiling…

The last Radiation Treatment! A milestone worth celebrating!

Summer 2017 at French

Birthday hugs

Cousin time!

#OnlyinMN – The Great Minnesota Get-together!

21st birthday!


The Minnesota Twins!

Beautiful day for a fire….

Train station!



August is 2!

Halloween 2017

Our cozy home…

First lost tooth!

Santa visit 2017

Our outdoor Christmas tree!


The Gift of Stories

Image result for storyworth images

Last year for Christmas I bought my parents each a subscription to StoryWorth – a year of story starter questions, sent by email, for their response. The responses are sent to each of us kids as they answer and at the end of the year (soon!) they will be compiled into a book.  Photos can be attached to the emails and they will be included.  The questions can be chosen from a list of several hundred in different categories – early life, parenting, work life, school, marriage, and more – and you can put them in any order you want or even write your own questions.  The questions can even be recorded on a voicemail and transcribed (for a fee or by a family member) for those who are less than tech savvy, although it really is as simple as replying to an email.

We haven’t received the books yet, but the responses we have read so far are gift enough!  Stories of their parents, of their school years, of their vacations and their first cars and first jobs, of their wedding day, and their advice for their grandchildren – all of it is priceless.  There have been funny stories and touching stories and really sweet and meaningful stories.  I have cried while reading them and shared them aloud with friends.  I am impressed with the wisdom they have shared and I can’t wait to see it bound in a book!

If you need ideas for a Christmas gift for anyone wise and wonderful in your life, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend StoryWorth. They are a sponsor for the Satellite Sisters podcast, which is how I learned of it last year, and they have a promo code (sisters) for $20 off a subscription.

I’m receiving no compensation for this post and review.  I should work for them, but this is my unsolicited gift idea and one that I have been raving about all year long!  StoryWorth is sooooooooo great!
