
Don't be that horrible person who makes everyone wait around/help you pack.Another note: If you have enough friends, split them up into shifts — one set to help you move in the morning, and another to help you move when you get to your new home.

I should be packing. We are moving in less than two weeks and packing is intense de-cluttering and culling at this point. We have a lot of things in boxes, taped shut, labelled, ready to be moved, we have made two trips to Goodwill and set overflowing garbage cans at the curb – but there is still much to do.

When I have a lot to do, I spend a lot of brain power on it – and I also spend a lot of time avoiding it. I think the amount of time I spend playing Candy Crush is a direct reflection of how much I should be doing. I also spend a lot of time, sleepless, planning, making lists, trying to configure things. Last night I looked through 10 year old newspaper articles, trying to decide what to keep and what should go in recycling tomorrow.  (Most will go in to recycling with a few kept for posterity.)  I also found all my pictures from Korea, water damaged and dirty, but spent time looking through and remembering and telling Chris stories.

I will be done and ready on 6/16 but I will also be sleep deprived. I’m setting a goal right now of NO CANDY CRUSH until I’m in my bed at my new house!  (Who’s my accountability partner??)

I should be packing.  Here I go!

Cinco de Mayo 2017

Just a few of my favorite photos from Cancun. Certainly they don’t compare to the many lovely photos by the photographer/family friend, Matt, but here’s just a few from the lovely time we had there. It was relaxing, warm, quality time with family.



The wind LOVED my hair in Mexico!


A sweet pic – momma and son


Wedding day!


The beautiful bride…


LOVED watching August run around with the Super Cousins!


Last moonfall in Mexico…


Last sunrise in Mexico…