
My name is Danette.

I am happy and optimistic while skeptically realistic
I am a people-person, always looking for social opportunities
I am a thinker, which sometimes looks like I procrastinate
I am happily employed in a challenging job with a crazy schedule
I am musical, playing piano and singing in a choir, dabbling in the accordion
I am a movie lover, frequenting my local multiplex or firing up the Blu-Ray often
I am a book lover, classics to contemporary – ask me what I’m reading now!
I am an organizer, bringing together friends and family for all kinds of fun
I am colorful – my clothes and my house reflect my love of color
I am a mother of a beautiful adult daughter – so much joy
I am an aunt – the cool kind

The Walkie Talkie Book Club started initially when my friend, Beth, and I would read the same books and talk about them during our walks.  When I moved to Rochester, Sarah and I revived the club and started meeting at B&N and then mall walking after a book discussion.  We also walked around Silver Lake in the spring/summer.  I have one full-fledged book club that I participate in (and keep organized) and then enjoy many Walkie Talkies with individuals throughout the month!  I’m always up for a good book discussion – so let’s get do it!  

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